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Code of Conduct

One26 is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in delivering quality products and services to its clients. One26 Code of Conduct sets out the expectations placed on Directors, Managers and employees in their business dealings. The Code of Conduct requires high standards of personal integrity and honesty in all dealings, a respect for the privacy of clients and others and observance of the law.



All Directors, Managers and employees are responsible for taking appropriate action in proven cases of illegal behaviour or behaviour outside the spirit of this Code in the workplace. All concerns or reports regarding any impropriety or breaches of the Code will be dealt with confidentially. The Code is regularly reviewed by One26 to ensure its continued relevance to contemporary conditions.


The Company’s Code of Conduct is based upon ethical common sense. It is to lead everyone to know the values that should guide him or her in their daily business activities. The Company’s reputation for honesty, integrity, excellence and fairness is one of the most important assets, and the highest standards should govern all actions. Decisions made within the Company should honour the spirit and the letter of applicable laws. To this end, everyone will be honest and ethical in all of his or her business dealings.

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