Approaching an Unstable Market
It seems pundits and forecasters are at odds on what lies ahead for the remainder of the calendar year. And as for the financial year ahead, predictions could only be described as split. On one side, interest rates and inflation do seem to be on the rise. On the other, consumer spending and wages growth continue into the positive. Household and business saving are solid. Whereas unemployment currently sits at record lows. What’s the learning here? Is it time for panic? Is there action to be taken? Depending on your long-term goals, as your situation and attitude change, your plan may need to also. It may be a time for prudent decisions. Or it may be time for calm and inaction. Everyone has different financial goals and is at different stages of their journey. When surrounded by alarmist rhetoric, it is worth keeping a cool head. At One26, we find speaking with your financial advisor about your priorities can place you in a much better position. In these somewhat volatile times, becoming more educated about your options gives perspective. The One26 team are available with knowledge, options and guidance (and a good chat). We offer 21 years of experience and service. We are here to focus on the priorities of your financial journey. One26 helps you make considered, long-term, non- reactionary decisions. Decisions with personalised direction that map to your journey to financial freedom. By taking qualitative guidance from an experienced team you are in control.
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